The 800N resist tissue Balaton uniform is now back with a greatly reduced price, making it the most economical choice for your first 800N fencing uniform.
Note that in Balton, mobility is obtained with space. It is therefore not as snug as the other models, and the order is normally placed according to the size chart. Space may surprise for the first time when trying on a suit, but it is a necessity.
Before you order, please check your size and measure based on the following sizing chart (click to enlarge):
Note that in Balton, mobility is obtained with space. So it’s not as snug as the other models. Thus, the Balaton is about one size LESS than other models. This should also be taken into account when ordering an electric jacket or vest to be worn over a Balaton jacket. The following size must be selected, although for all other models the electric jacket / vest is the same size as the fencing jacket
Available Options:
Some sizes available in stock